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Blame and Failure: The Suvla Operation in Gallipoli
- The failure of the Suvla operation in the Gallipoli campaign is often attributed to General Stopford, but the ultimate responsibility lies with Lord Kitchener and Sir Ian Hamilton.
- Under General de Lisle's command, the Suvla front was reorganized and reinforced, but the Battle of Scimitar Hill marked the climax of the fighting and ultimately failed.
- Conditions at Suvla were terrible, with heat, flies, and lack of sanitation, as well as heavy rain, snow, and frost. The withdrawal from Gallipoli was well planned and executed.
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>General Stopford is blamed for the failure of the Suvla operation but responsibility ultimately lay with Lord Kitchener who, as Secretary of State for War, had appointed the elderly and inexperienced general to an active corps command, and with Sir Ian Hamilton who accepted Stopford's appointment and then failed to impose his will on his subordinate. On 13 August Hamilton had written in his diary, "Ought I have resigned sooner than allow generals old and inexperienced to be foisted up on me." By then it was too late and Stopford's departure contributed to Hamilton's downfall which came on 15 October when he was sacked as the commander of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. ⇒ストップフォード将軍はスブラ作戦の失敗で非難されたが、最終的には戦争国務長官として活動的な軍団指揮に経験の浅い年配の将軍を任命したキッチナー卿、およびストップフォードの任命を受け入れ、それから彼の意志を部下に課すことに失敗したイアン・ハミルトン卿の責に帰された。8月13日、ハミルトンは日記にこう書いている。「年をとった経験の浅い将軍が私に押し付けられるのを認める前に辞任すべきであった」。時を失した10月15日のストップフォードの出動はハミルトンの没落の一因となって、彼は地中海遠征軍の指揮官として解任された。 >Under General de Lisle's command, the Suvla front was reorganized and reinforced with the arrival of the 29th Division from Helles and the 2nd Mounted Division from Egypt (minus their horses). The fighting climaxed on 21 August with the Battle of Scimitar Hill, the largest battle of the Gallipoli campaign. When it too failed, activity at Suvla subsided into sporadic fighting until it was evacuated by the British in late December. Conditions during the summer had been appalling because of heat, flies, and lack of sanitation. ⇒スブラ前線がリスル将軍の指揮の下に再編成され、ヘルズからの第29師団とエジプトからの第2騎馬師団(馬を除く)の到着によって強化された。戦闘は8月21日、ガリポリ野戦における最大の戦いである「シミター・ヒルの戦い」で最高潮に達した。それもまた失敗したが、そのときからスブラでの活動は散発的な戦闘に落ち込み、12月下旬に英国軍は避難した。暑さやハエ、それと衛生設備の欠如のため、夏の間の状態は恐ろしいものであった。 >On 15 November there was a deluge of rain and again on 26/27 November a major rainstorm flooded trenches up to 4 feet deep. This was succeeded by a blizzard of snow and two nights of heavy frost. At Suvla, 220 men drowned or froze to death and there were 12,000 cases of frostbite or exposure. In surprising contrast to the campaign itself, the withdrawals from Gallipoli were well planned and executed, with many successful deceptions to prevent the Turks realising that withdrawals were taking place. Minimal losses were experienced, and many guns and other equipment were also taken off. ⇒11月15日には大雨が降り、11月26/27日に再び大きな暴風雨で塹壕に最大4フィートの深さまで浸水した。これに吹雪と2週間の激しい降霜が続いた。スブラでは、220人の兵士が溺死または凍死し、12,000例の凍傷または暴露があった。野戦自体とは対照的に、ガリポリからの撤退はうまく計画され、実行された。トルコ軍に撤退が行われていることに気付くのを防ぐために、多くの欺瞞を張ってそれが成功した。損失の発生は最小限に抑えられ、多くの銃やその他の機器も取り外された。 >English physicist Henry Moseley, famous for the discovery of the atomic number, died in this battle to a sniper bullet. Following the appointment of Wing Captain Frederick Sykes to the command of Royal Naval Air Service units in the eastern Mediterranean in July 1915, plans were put in place for air reinforcements to be made available to Sykes. However, the landing at Suvla Bay began before the reinforcements arrived. Nonetheless, Sykes's aviators did succeed in destroying several Ottoman ships which hindered the resupply of Ottoman troops. This interdiction forced the Ottomans to depend on land resupply over an extended route. While this did have a diminishing effect on Ottoman ammunition stocks, the failure to close the land routes meant that it was not decisive. ⇒原子番号の発見で有名な英国の物理学者ヘンリー・モーズリーは、この戦いで狙撃弾に当たって死亡した。1915年7月、地中海東部にある海軍航空部隊の指揮をとるフレデリック・サイクス大尉の任命に続いて、サイクスが空軍の増援を利用できるようにするための計画が導入された。しかし、スブラ湾への上陸は増援隊が到着する前に始まった。それにもかかわらず、サイクスの飛行士が数隻のオスマン軍艦船を破壊することに成功し、オスマン軍の補給を妨げた。この阻止により、オスマン軍は延長された遠回りルートでの地上補給に頼らざるを得なくなった。これはオスマン軍の弾薬備蓄に影響を及ぼしたが、陸路を閉鎖することはできなかったため、決定的なものとはならなかった。