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この記事について質問があります(答えられる範囲で構いません) (1)〇〇は××の承認を撤回したとありますが、これは現在××では一切の取引が停止されているということですか?理由は何ですか? (2)現在××でETFなどの金融商品を上場させることはできますか?
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I have questions regarding this article (Please answer the best you can). 1. It is said that 〇〇 has reversed its approval of XX. Does it mean that at the moment all transactions are blocked at XX? If that is the case for what reasons? 2. At present, is it possible to list financial cases such as ETF with the XX?
その他の回答 (1)
- uesaka
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google 翻訳を使ってください。PCが有ればgoogle 翻訳と検索すれば出てきます。 最近は翻訳精度も上がっています。 日本語をコピーして貼り付けしました。 I have a question about this article (I can answer as much as I can) (1) 〇〇 said that the approval of XX was withdrawn. Does this mean that all transactions are currently suspended in XX? what is the reason? (2) Can I currently list financial products such as ETFs with XX?