- ベストアンサー
Struggling with Micropenis: My Quest for Love and Acceptance
- As a single guy in my late 20s, I'm ready to settle down and start a family. However, my condition called micropenis has been a major obstacle in my relationships.
- I've experienced multiple relationships fizzling out due to my small penis, leaving me feeling desperate to find acceptance and love.
- I don't want to trap a woman in an unhappy marriage where she ends up sneaking around on me, but I also can't wait around forever to find someone who truly accepts me.
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
1。I’ve had several relationships fizzle outはSeveral relationships fizzled outというのとはどう違うのでしょうか? 大して変わりませんが、前者は「失敗の経験がある」という苦い経験がある ことを強調し、後者は単に「失敗した」という感じです。 2。あと、sneak around on meとの意味も教えてください。 ここのon は、 下記の前置詞の9「~の不利に」で、cheat on me の on のように「私を犠牲にして(二股かける)」「僕に隠れて(誰かと関係を持つ)」という意味でしょう。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=on
その他の回答 (2)
sneak around 2. To do something without someone's knowledge, especially to engage in romantic relationships: I suspect her husband has been sneaking around. I think his wife was sneaking around on him. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/sneak+around
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)
>I’ve had several relationships fizzle outはSeveral relationships fizzled outというのとはどう違うのでしょうか? ⇒I’ve had several relationships fizzle outは、「私が(原因で)何度か関係をダメにしてしまった」であり、Several relationships fizzled outは、単に「何度か関係がダメになった」といったニュアンスでしょう。 >あと、sneak around on meとの意味も教えてください。 ⇒「私のかたわらから(ヘビのように音もなく)こそこそと去っていく」。