• ベストアンサー


I'm 64. I have known "Ashley" for seven years. She is a mother of two young boys, ages 7 and 5. In her early mommy years, she needed a lot of help. She would call me in the early mornings and ask whether I could care for the kids so she could go to work. I would make the long drive after throwing water on my face. Ashley's boys call me Gramma. It's a heavenly title. Being able to enjoy these kids has truly filled a void in my life. I did not get to enjoy my own grandchildren because of a tragic divorce, losing my girls to parental abduction. But Ashley has never been very mindful of my needs. I have had several surgeries. She would always say she would fix food and bring it by, but she never did. mindful of my needsとbring it byの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。 mindful of my needsの意味を教えてください。  私が(いろいろ手術を受けたために、健康上の)どんな注意が必要かに気づいて(くれない) 2。bring it byの意味を教えてください。  (彼女はいつも何か料理をして)持ってきてくれる(と口では言うが、実際に持ってきたことはない)



