Cathy: Darling, there's no butter or yoghurt in the fridge.
Simon: Sorry,love. I didn't go shopping yesterday.
Cathy: But I asked you to go to the supermarket after work.
Simon: I know, but I didin't leave the office until nine. Then I went for a drink with some of the guys from work.
Cathy: You didin't go to the Red Lion, did you?
Simon: I'm afraid I did. But I only had a few drinks, honestly. I had a little that foreign beer called “cognac”.
そこで質問です。付加疑問文は「~ですね。」という意味で使われると思いますが、Cathyの“ You didin't go to the Red Lion, did you?”のセリフは主節が否定形なのに明らかに、Simonが飲みに行ったことを半ば確信していて、その上で確認するような言い方ですよね。こういう言い方って普通なのでしょうか?
また、Simonの“I'm afraid I did.”の “afraid”は Simonが買い物を頼まれたのに仲間と飲みに行って してこなかったことの気まずさを表していると思うんですが、これはどう訳したらいいでしょうか?