Learn how to logic yourself out of feeling devastated when facing unexpected changes in life.
Discover effective strategies to cope with a sudden loss and adjust to a new living situation.
Understand the importance of acknowledging and processing emotions during times of transition.
Our landlord is selling our house, so we’ve decided to move rather than roll the dice on what the new owner might bring. We weren’t able to find anything suitable in our current area, so we settled on something in a much more suburban area. All of a sudden I have a 40-minute commute instead of a 10-minute walk to work, and I’m away from friends and other social opportunities. It’s only a year lease, but I feel straight-up devastated, and for the past few days I’ve been kind of randomly bursting into tears. I really feel as though I’m grieving, and I’m not able to logic myself out of this funk—even though I know that in the grand scheme of things, this is a relative nonproblem.
logic myself out of this funkの意味は何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
"logic myself out of this funk"
"funk" = 落ち込み(落ち込んでいる状態)
"out of this funk" = この落ち込みから抜け出す
"logic" = (筋の通った)理屈、理由づけをする
"I'm not able to logic myself out of this funk" = 「私にはこの落ち込みから抜け出すための道理を見出すことができない」