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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文についての質問)
What is a unitary system? A confederal one?
- A unitary system is in contrast to a confederal system, where the regional governments are sovereign, and the central government has only as much authority as the regional governments allow it, and a unitary system where the central government is sovereign, and the state or provincial governments have only as much power as the central government allows them.
- Unitary systems have a centralized government that holds most of the power and authority.
- Confederal systems, on the other hand, have regional governments that are sovereign and hold most of the power while the central government has limited authority.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
>この文章を踏まえて、質問に対する答えは [Unitary systemはconfederal oneとは対照的で中央政府が主権国家である。] でいいでしょうか? ⇒はい、まったくおっしゃるとおり、これでいいと思います。 Unitary systemは「中央集権制」で、confederal systemは「連合制」ですね。(そして、その間にあるのがfederal system「連邦制」でした。)
ありがとうございます!! あっているようで安心しました!