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German Troops Withdraw Behind Hindenburg Line

  • The 1st Army from Arras to Péronne brought reserve Siegfried divisions forward to the R. III Stellung (R. III Position) and outpost villages close to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line). The front-holding divisions, which had been worn down by British attacks, were withdrawn behind the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line).
  • On 17 March, the German troops at the north end of the Bapaume Salient withdrew swiftly, as there were no intermediate lines corresponding to the R. III Stellung north of Achiet le Grand. The R. I Stellung was abandoned by 18 March and next day Boyelles and Boiry Becquerelle were evacuated. The withdrawal went straight back to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) except for outposts at Hénin sur Cojeul, St. Martin sur Cojeul and the west end of Neuville Vitasse.
  • Numerous raids were mounted on British outposts during 20 and 21 March. The R. I Stellung was abandoned north of the Ancre, along with part of the R. II Stellung near its junction with R. I Stellung at Bapaume, which was also abandoned while many houses were still on fire.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>The 1st Army from Arras to Péronne brought reserve Siegfried divisions forward to the R. III Stellung (R. III Position) and outpost villages close to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line). The front-holding divisions, which had been worn down by British attacks, were withdrawn behind the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line). ⇒アラスからペロンヌにかけて布陣する第1方面軍は、R. III陣地とジークフリート陣地(ヒンデンブルク戦線)近くの哨戒陣地村にジークフリート予備師団を駐留させた。前線を保持していた師団は、英国軍の攻撃によって減衰していたので、ジークフリート陣地(ヒンデンブルク戦線)の背後に引っ込められた。 >On 17 March, the German troops at the north end of the Bapaume Salient withdrew swiftly, as there were no intermediate lines corresponding to the R. III Stellung north of Achiet le Grand. The R. I Stellung was abandoned by 18 March and next day Boyelles and Boiry Becquerelle were evacuated. ⇒3月17日、バポーム突出部北端のドイツ軍隊は、アシェ・ル・グラン北のR. III陣地に対応する中間戦線がなかったので、迅速に退去した。R. I陣地は3月18日までに放棄され、その翌日ボジェーユとボアリ・ベケレユが空けられた。 >The withdrawal went straight back to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) except for outposts at Hénin sur Cojeul, St. Martin sur Cojeul and the west end of Neuville Vitasse. Numerous raids were mounted on British outposts during 20 and 21 March. ⇒エナン・シュル・コジュル、サン・マルタン・シュル・コジュル、およびヌヴィユ・ヴィタスの各哨戒陣地を除き、撤退者の群れはまっすぐジークフリート陣地(ヒンデンブルク戦線)に戻って行った。3月20日と21日の間、英国軍の哨戒陣地で急襲撃が多発した。 >The R. I Stellung was abandoned north of the Ancre, along with part of the R. II Stellung near its junction with R. I Stellung at Bapaume, which was also abandoned while many houses were still on fire. ⇒R. I陣地は、バポームで互に交錯するR. II陣地とともにアンクルの北部を放棄したが、それは、まだ多くの家が炎上している最中での退却劇であった。



