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Lukin's Troops Advance against Senussi in WWI
- Lukin's troops, led by the Dorset Yeomanry, advanced from their camp at 9:30 a.m.
- Assisted by armoured cars, they moved to a vantage point to observe the Senussi.
- The South African Battalions provided support as the troops advanced and came under fire.
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>Lukin received the Yeomanry report and at 9:30 a.m. advanced from the camp and sent the Dorset Yeomanry (Lieutenant-Colonel H. M. W. Souter) to cut off the Senussi retreat, by moving round the west of the Senussi position to some sand hills, from which the Senussi could be observed. The Yeomanry dismounted and assisted by two armoured cars, which inhibited Senussi machine-gun fire, advanced to pin down the Senussi. ⇒ルーキンはヨーマンリー隊の報告を受け取って、午前9時30分に野営地から発進し、サヌーシー軍の退却を分断するためにドーセット州ヨーマンリー隊(H. M. W.スーター中佐麾下)を派遣した。彼らは砂丘を幾つか越えてサヌーシー軍陣地の西へ回り込むことで、そこからサヌーシー軍を観察できた。ヨーマンリー隊は下馬し、サヌーシー軍の機関銃砲火を阻止できる2台の装甲車がそれを援護して、サヌーシー軍を釘付けにすべく進軍した。 >The infantry advanced with the 3rd South African Battalion forward and the 1st South African Battalion in support. By 11:00 a.m., the troops had moved 8.9 kilometres (5.5 mi) and deployed and at 11:20 a.m. came under fire. The battalion advanced in line with the men at a two-pace interval, machine-guns on the flanks and covering fire from the Notts Battery. ⇒歩兵連隊が、第3南アフリカ大隊とともに進軍し、それを第1南アフリカ大隊が援護した。午前11時までに、軍隊は8.9キロ(5.5マイル)移動して展開し、午前11時20分に砲火攻撃を開始した。大隊は、兵士らが2歩間隔で隊列をなし、側面隊は機関銃を構え、ノッティンガムシャー砲兵隊からの掩護射撃の支援を受けながら進軍した。