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Furse Orders Attack on Longueval: German Counter-Attack Foils Attempt

  • On the 27th Brigade and the 1st South African Regiment launched an attack on Longueval, following a vigorous bombardment and a failed first attempt earlier in the day.
  • The South African Brigade was also tasked with capturing Delville Wood, but faced challenges due to the detachment of half the brigade and strong German counter-attacks.
  • The attack on Longueval and Delville Wood ultimately ended in failure.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Furse ordered another attack on Longueval by the 27th Brigade and the 1st South African Regiment, after an artillery and Stokes mortar bombardment and one battalion bombed its way up North Street at 8:00 a.m. and another party tried to move through orchards on the west side but German reinforcements counter-attacked and recaptured the lost ground, another attack failed at 7:30 p.m. ⇒午前8時に、砲兵隊、ストークス迫撃砲爆撃隊、1個大隊がノース・ストリートに通じる道を爆撃したあと、ファースは第27旅団と第1南アフリカ連隊によるロングヴァルへのもう一つの攻撃を命じた。それで、別の部隊が西側の果樹園を通って移動しようとしたが、ドイツ軍の増援隊がこれに反撃して失われた地面を奪還したので、午後7時30分、もう一つの攻撃は失敗した。 >The South African Brigade was ordered to capture Delville Wood and moved up from reserve before dawn but by then, half the brigade had been detached. The brigade attacked at 6:15 a.m. from the south-west corner of the wood on a battalion front, with the 2nd Battalion forward, the 3rd Battalion in support and the 4th Battalion in reserve. ⇒南アフリカ旅団は、デルヴィル・ウッドを攻略するよう命じられ、夜明け前に予備から移動したが、しかしその時までには、旅団の半分はすでに派遣ずみであった。午前6時15分、旅団はその第2大隊を先陣とし、第3大隊の援護を受け、第4大隊は予備に控えるという体制で、森の南西の一角から大隊の前線に攻撃をしかけた。




