• ベストアンサー


In wet conditions, bad light and the confusion of the assault elements of the 1st Royal Munster Fusiliers veered to the flank and, there confronted by the enemy, resolutely drove the Germans back; pressing on, 48th Brigade troops were through the village by 5.30 pm and gains consolidated. The attack was characterised by dash, turmoil and heavy casualties. During the evening the Germans made several attempts to re-enter the village and fighting continued as 1st Welsh Guards relieved the exhausted 48th Brigade later that night. The capture of Ginchy forced the remaining German defenders out from the eastern edge of Delville Wood, but the new British line formed a salient vulnerable to German counter-attacks.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10069/12615)

>In wet conditions, bad light and the confusion of the assault elements of the 1st Royal Munster Fusiliers veered to the flank and, there confronted by the enemy, resolutely drove the Germans back; pressing on, 48th Brigade troops were through the village by 5.30 pm and gains consolidated. The attack was characterised by dash, turmoil and heavy casualties. ⇒雨天の条件、照明不良、および猛攻撃要員の混乱の中、第1王室マンスター(アイルランド)火打ち石銃兵隊が、側面攻撃に繰り出して敵に立ちはだかり、ドイツ軍を決然と追い返した。第48旅団軍は、さらに推し進めて、午後5時30分までに村を貫通し、統合強化した。攻撃は、突進、混乱騒動、および甚大な死傷者数により特徴づけられた。 >During the evening the Germans made several attempts to re-enter the village and fighting continued as 1st Welsh Guards relieved the exhausted 48th Brigade later that night. The capture of Ginchy forced the remaining German defenders out from the eastern edge of Delville Wood, but the new British line formed a salient vulnerable to German counter-attacks. ⇒夕方の間にドイツ軍は村に入り直すためいくつかの試みを行った。そして戦いが続き、第1近衛ウェールズ連隊がその夜遅くに憔悴した第48旅団を救った。ジンチーの攻略によって残留ドイツ軍の守備隊をデルヴィル森の東端から押し出し、新しい英国軍戦線は、ドイツ軍の反撃に対して脆弱ながらも、突出部を形成した。



