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Turkish and ANZAC forces clash in fierce battle
- The Turkish force, supported by German soldiers and Austrian artillery, faced off against the ANZAC Division in a fierce battle.
- The New Zealand advance began at 04:00, while the Composite Brigade located a trench system from the well to Lake Bardawil.
- The ANZAC Division initially advanced on horseback but had to dismount due to heavy Turkish artillery and machine gun fire.
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>So that the Turkish force now numbered around 6,000 men, twice the number available to Chauvel. They were also well supported by mountain artillery and howitzers. The machine-guns were manned by German soldiers and the artillery by Austrians. The New Zealand advance began at 04:00, at the same time the 3rd Brigade made towards a redoubt over two miles (3.2 km) to the south. ⇒トルコの軍団は今や約6,000人の兵士を数えるので、従ってショーヴェルが利用できる数の2倍である。彼らはまた、山岳砲や曲射砲(装備)によく支持されていた。機関銃がドイツ軍兵士により、大砲がオーストリア軍によって配置されていた。ニュージーランド軍の進軍は4時に始まったが、同時に、第3旅団が南へ2マイル(3.2km)以上の地点にある砦に向かった。 >It was not for another hour that the Composite Brigade set out, but they located a trench system from the well to Lake Bardawil. The ANZAC Division advanced through Turkish artillery and machine gun fire, until it got so heavy that it threatened the safety of their horses. Dismounting they continued on foot. ⇒合成旅団が出発して1時間もたたないうちに、彼らは油井からバルダウィル湖の間にある塹壕の組織網を突き止めた。アンザック師団は、トルコ軍の大砲放火と機関銃射撃の中をくぐって進軍したが、砲火が激化してついに馬の安全にとって脅威となった。彼らは下馬して、徒歩で進軍を続けた。