• ベストアンサー


Course of the battle At 21:45 on the night of 27 September, the infantry advance began with a march to the Mushaid Ridge, which they occupied with little opposition. Instead of continuing along the river bank, however, the 12th and 42nd Indian Brigades swung left to the Euphrates Valley Canal between the Euphrates and Lake Habbaniyah. They secured the dam across the canal by 15:00 on 28 September. Their advance in the intense heat was made possible by a water supply chain that Brooking had established using 350 Ford vans, which transported over 63,000 litres (14,000 gallons) of water on 28 September alone. Meanwhile, the 6th Cavalry Brigade had ridden across the desert to the south and west of Ramadi and reached the road 8 km (5 miles) west of the town by 16:00, where they dug in to block any Turkish retreat. With artillery support, British forces advanced up two ridges to the south of Ramadi in the face of Turkish machine gun, rifle and artillery fire. Both were taken by the early afternoon of 28 September. The garrison's last escape route was now the Aziziya Bridge just to the west of Ramadi and, as the battle continued into the night under bright moonlight, a column of Turkish infantry sought to fight its way out of the trap at 03:00 on 29 September. Heavy British machine gun and artillery fire repelled them and drove the survivors back to Ramadi after an hour and half of fighting. The 39th Garhwal Rifles attacked the bridge, charging Turkish guns firing over open sights, and took it by 07:30 despite suffering heavy casualties; only 100 men from the three assaulting companies made it through. The Garhwali advance convinced the Turkish defenders that the battle was lost. At 09:15, large numbers of Turks began surrendering to the Garhwalis at the bridge; by 09:30, as the rest of the British force advanced towards the mud walls of Ramadi, "white flags went up all along the enemy's line". By 11:00 the Turkish commander, Ahmed Bey, and the rest of the garrison had surrendered. The Turkish surrender came just in time, as a powerful sandstorm began shortly afterwards which reduced visibility to a few metres; had it struck earlier, the garrison could easily have slipped away.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Course of the battle At 21:45 on the night of 27 September, the infantry advance began with a march to the Mushaid Ridge, which they occupied with little opposition. Instead of continuing along the river bank, however, the 12th and 42nd Indian Brigades swung left to the Euphrates Valley Canal between the Euphrates and Lake Habbaniyah. They secured the dam across the canal by 15:00 on 28 September. ⇒戦いの経緯 9月27日の夜21時45分に、歩兵隊の進軍はムシャイド・リッジへの行軍から始まって、そこをほとんど反対なしで占拠した。しかし、川岸に沿って行軍を続ける代りに、第12、第42インド旅団は左方のユーフラテス川とハッバニヤ湖の間のユーフラテス渓谷運河の方へ折れた。彼らは、9月28日15時に運河を横切るダムを確保した。 >Their advance in the intense heat was made possible by a water supply chain that Brooking had established using 350 Ford vans, which transported over 63,000 litres (14,000 gallons) of water on 28 September alone. Meanwhile, the 6th Cavalry Brigade had ridden across the desert to the south and west of Ramadi and reached the road 8 km (5 miles) west of the town by 16:00, where they dug in to block any Turkish retreat. ⇒9月28日の1日だけで、350台のフォードバンを使って63,000リットル(14,000ガロン)を超える水を輸送するという、ブルッキングが確保した給水の連鎖によって(はじめて)猛暑での進軍が可能となった。その間、第6騎兵旅団はラマディの南と西への砂漠を横切って騎馬行軍し、16時までに町の8キロ(5マイル)西の道路に到着した。そこで彼らは、いかなるトルコ軍の退却も止められるよう、塹壕を掘って身を隠した。 >With artillery support, British forces advanced up two ridges to the south of Ramadi in the face of Turkish machine gun, rifle and artillery fire. Both were taken by the early afternoon of 28 September. The garrison's last escape route was now the Aziziya Bridge just to the west of Ramadi and, as the battle continued into the night under bright moonlight, a column of Turkish infantry sought to fight its way out of the trap at 03:00 on 29 September. ⇒英国軍の軍団は、砲兵隊の支援を得て、トルコ軍の機関銃、ライフル、および大砲の砲火の面前でラマディの南へ通じる2か所の尾根上へ進軍した。9月28日の昼下がりまでに、両尾根とも奪取した。守備隊の最後の脱出ルートは、今やラマディのちょうど西へのアジジャ橋で、戦いが夜の明るい月光の下で続いたので、トルコ軍の歩兵縦隊は9月29日03時に窮状から逃れるべく画策した。 >Heavy British machine gun and artillery fire repelled them and drove the survivors back to Ramadi after an hour and half of fighting. The 39th Garhwal Rifles attacked the bridge, charging Turkish guns firing over open sights, and took it by 07:30 despite suffering heavy casualties; only 100 men from the three assaulting companies made it through. ⇒英国軍は重機関銃と大砲砲火による1時間半の戦いの後に彼らをはねつけて、生存者はラマディに追い返した。第39ガルワル・ライフル隊が橋を攻撃して、開けた視界越しにトルコ軍に突撃をかけて、甚大な死傷者数を被ったにもかかわらず、07時30分までにそれを奪取した。3個中隊から来たわずか100人の兵士が、それを敢行した。 >The Garhwali advance convinced the Turkish defenders that the battle was lost. At 09:15, large numbers of Turks began surrendering to the Garhwalis at the bridge; by 09:30, as the rest of the British force advanced towards the mud walls of Ramadi, "white flags went up all along the enemy's line". By 11:00 the Turkish commander, Ahmed Bey, and the rest of the garrison had surrendered. The Turkish surrender came just in time, as a powerful sandstorm began shortly afterwards which reduced visibility to a few metres; had it struck earlier, the garrison could easily have slipped away. ⇒ガルワリ進軍隊は、トルコ軍の守備隊に対して戦いに負けたことを納得させた。09時15分に、多くのトルコ軍は橋のところでガルワリ隊に降服しはじめた。09時30分までに、英国軍団の残りがラマディの泥壁に向かって進軍すると、「白旗が敵の戦線に沿って上がった」。11時までに、トルコ軍の司令官アーメド・ベイ(知事)と守備隊の残り兵が降服した。トルコ軍の降服はまさに時間内に行われて、その直後に視界を数メートルに減らすような強力な砂嵐が始まった。もしそれより早く砂嵐に見舞われていたならば、守備隊はいとも容易に遁走できたことだろう。




