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Fierce Battle in World War I

  • During World War I, the German and Ottoman forces launched a frontal attack on the redoubts held by the 52nd (Lowland) Division.
  • The defenders were able to withstand the attack, but they faced heavy artillery shelling throughout the day.
  • The attacks on redoubts 4 and 5 were initially intense, but they ultimately failed to break through.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>It became apparent that the German and Ottoman right column, (31st Infantry Regiment) was attempting a frontal attack on redoubts held by infantry in the 52nd (Lowland) Division. The defenders were able to hold on, but were subjected to severe artillery shelling during the day.[64] ⇒ドイツ軍およびオスマントルコ軍の右翼縦隊(第31歩兵連隊)が、第52(ローランド)師団で歩兵連隊の占拠している砦への正面攻撃を企てていることが明らかになった。守備隊は持ちこたえることができたが、その日の間中熾烈な砲撃を受けた。 >Frontal attacks began with heavy German or Austrian fire by their artillery which attempted to breach the infantry defensive line. About 08:00, attacks were being made on Numbers 4 and 5 redoubts which began with heavy artillery fire, but the attacks broke completely when the 31st Ottoman Infantry Regiment were within 150 yards (140 m) of No. 4 redoubt; subsequent attempts were less successful. ⇒正面攻撃は、ドイツ・オーストリア軍砲兵隊の重砲撃で始まったが、それは歩兵連隊の防衛戦線を突破しようとする企てであった。8時ごろに、攻撃は4番、5番砦に向けた重砲火によって始められていたが、オスマントルコ軍第31歩兵連隊が4番砦の150ヤード(140m)以内に侵入したとき攻撃突破は完全になされた。それ以降の企ては、さほどの成功ではなかった。



