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The 61st Division Infantry's Advance in No Man's Land

  • Infantry of the 182nd Brigade on the right flank of the 61st Division area began their advance into no man's land, facing German machine-gun fire and death-trap sally-ports.
  • Two companies of the right-hand battalion managed to get within 50 yards of the German parapet with minimal losses, rushing the breastwork as the artillery lifted.
  • However, uncut wire and German machine-gun fire from the right flank hindered the advance to the second line and caused significant casualties.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>In the 61st Division area, infantry of the 182nd Brigade on the right flank, began to move into no man's land at 5:30 p.m. through sally-ports, some of which were under fire from German machine-gunners and became "death-traps". ⇒第61師団地域で、右側面上の第182旅団の歩兵連隊は、午後5時30分に出撃門を通って中間地帯へ移動し始めたが、その出撃門(突破口)の幾つかはドイツの機関銃隊からの砲火を浴びてしまう「死の落し穴」になった。 >Two companies of the right-hand battalion, managed to get within 50 yards (46 m) of the German parapet* with few losses and rushed the breastwork *as the artillery lifted, finding the wire cut and the Germans incapable of resistance. ⇒右翼大隊の2中隊は、ほとんど損失を受けずに何とかドイツ軍塹壕の胸壁*50ヤード(46m)以内に入り込めたので、砲撃が上がったとき、胸壁*に突進してみると、鉄条網が切断されていてドイツ軍は抵抗不能であると分かった。 *parapetおよびbreastwork:どちらも「胸壁」。立っている兵を守るため、胸の高さまである急ごしらえの塹壕(の堆土)。「胸墻」(きょうしょう)とも言う。 >Uncut wire held up the advance to the second line and German machine-gun fire from the right flank caused many casualties, as the survivors reached the objective. Reinforcements reached the front trench but the German flanking fire caused many casualties and German artillery began to bombard the captured area. ⇒切断されていない鉄条網は、第2戦線への前進を抑止し、右側面からのドイツ軍の機関銃砲火が多くの犠牲者を引き起こした。増援隊が前線の塹壕に到着したが、ドイツ軍の側面を接している砲火が多くの犠牲者を引き起こし、ドイツ軍砲兵隊は占領された地域をも砲撃し始めた。




