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French and German Forces Clash at Le Casque in WWI

  • The 20th Regiment launched an attack on Le Casque, facing machine-gun fire from the woods on Mont Perthois. French troops veered away from the fire and attacked Rendsburg and Göttingen trenches. German counter-attacks halted the regiment's advance, but French artillery retaliated heavily. German divisions and artillery batteries were spotted approaching the front positions.
  • In the evening, German battalions launched an assault on the summit, which changed hands multiple times. French reserves were deployed, but individual units fought on their own. German infantry infiltrated the woods on the flanks, and artillery-observation aircraft directed German batteries. Another German counter-attack was repulsed.
  • To relieve pressure, the 20th Regiment resumed the attack on Le Casque. They captured Rendsburg and Göttingen trenches and reached the summit at 6:00 p.m. However, they were forced to retreat due to German counter-attacks.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>The 20th Regiment attacked Le Casque, under machine-gun fire from the woods, on the western slopes of Mont Perthois. The French veered to the right, away from the machine-gun fire and attacked Rendsburg and Göttingen trenches. German counter-attacks forced the 20th Regiment to halt below the summit and during lulls, German artillery bombarded the summit from the west, north and south. ⇒モン・ペルトワの西傾斜地の森からの機関銃砲火の下で、第20連隊がル・カスクを攻撃した。フランス軍は機関銃砲火から離れて、右に向きを変え、レントブルク塹壕とゲッチンゲン塹壕を攻撃した。ドイツ軍の反撃は第20連隊に頂上の下で止まることを強制して、凪ぎの間、ドイツ軍砲兵隊が北、西、南から頂上を砲撃した。 >French artillery replied with heavy bombardments on the peak and on Moronvilliers village, in the hollow beneath. Columns of the German 5th and 6th divisions in lorries and German artillery batteries, could be seen on the roads approaching the German front positions, from the Suippes at St. Hilaire le Petit, Bethenville and Pont Faverger. ⇒フランス軍砲兵隊は、頂上から、モロンヴィイェール村から、下のくぼ地から、重爆撃で応じた。トラックに乗ったドイツ軍第5、第6師団の縦隊と、ドイツ砲兵中隊が、ドイツ軍前線の陣地から、サン・イレール・ル・プティのシュイップから、ベテンヴィーユとポン・ファヴェルジェから路上を接近してくるのが見られた。 >At 4:00 p.m., two German battalions attacked the summit, which was recaptured and lost twice. A French reserve battalion was committed and soon French units dissolved into a mass of individuals, who fought on their own initiative. During the night of 19/20 April, German infantry infiltrated the woods on the flanks of the summit and at dawn, German artillery-observation aircraft directed the fire of German batteries, before another German counter-attack, which was repulsed. ⇒午後4時に、ドイツ軍2個大隊が頂上を攻撃したが、それは奪還されて、二回失われた。フランス軍の予備大隊が戦闘に献身して、すぐにフランス軍部隊は大勢の個人部隊として溶け合い、彼ら自身のイニシアティブ(主導)によって戦った。4月19/20日の夜の間に、ドイツ歩兵連隊は頂上の側面で森に潜入して、夜明けに、ドイツ軍の観察砲兵航空隊が、もう一つのドイツ軍の反撃の前に、撃退されたドイツ軍の数個の砲兵中隊に砲火を指示した。 >To relieve the pressure, the 20th Regiment of the 33rd Division resumed the attack on Le Casque; Rendsburg and Göttingen trenches were captured and the French entered the wood on the hill, before reaching the summit of Le Casque at 6:00 p.m. and then being forced to retire by German counter-attacks. ⇒圧力を軽減するために、第33師団の第20連隊は、ル・カスクへの攻撃を再開した。レントブルク塹壕とゲッチンゲン塹壕が攻略されて、午後6時にル・カスクの頂上に着いて、それからドイツ軍の反撃によって退却を強いられる前に、フランス軍は丘の上に森に入り込んだ。



