• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語訳をお願いいたします。)

Ottoman Centre and Left Columns Lead Skilful Flank Attack

  • The Ottoman centre and left columns executed a skilful flank attack on the infantry's entrenchments and advanced towards the camp and railway.
  • The Germans and Ottomans launched a bayonet charge on Mount Meredith after the moon had set.
  • The light horsemen fought bravely but were eventually forced to retreat and evacuate their position.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10007/12518)

>The Ottoman centre and left columns were skilfully led round the open flank of the infantry's entrenchments and on towards the camp and railway. After the moon had set at around 02:30, the Germans and Ottomans made a bayonet charge on Mount Meredith. ⇒オスマントルコ軍中央隊と左翼縦隊は、たくみに歩兵連隊の塹壕の開いた側面周辺に誘導されて、野営地と鉄道の方へ進行した。2時30分ごろ月が沈んだあと、ドイツ軍とオスマントルコ軍は銃剣隊をメレディス山に突入させた。 >Although vastly outnumbered, the light horsemen fought an effective delaying action at close quarters, but were forced to relinquish ground slowly and to ultimately evacuate the position by 03:00. Without the benefit of moon light, the light horsemen had fired at the flashes of the enemy's rifles until they were close enough to use bayonets. ⇒(敵軍が)数的に極めて優勢であったが、軽騎馬隊は接近してからの効果的な遅延攻撃作戦で戦ったが、徐々に陣地面を放棄して、最終的に3時までに要地から避難することを余儀なくされた。月明りの利点もないので、軽騎馬隊は彼らが銃剣を使うのに十分近づくまでは、敵のライフルの発光を目がけて発砲していた。



