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Kpandu and Central Togo: A History of German Colonial Expansions

  • In the late 19th century, German colonial forces expanded their operations in Kpandu and central Togo.
  • They attacked and razed many towns that resisted their rule, confiscating property and imposing fines on the inhabitants.
  • By 1913, the native population had increased significantly, while the German population remained relatively small.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12512)

>Expanded to 144 members in 1894, operations against Kpandu and "a number of towns in central Togo which had resisted the government were attacked and razed to the ground, the property of the inhabitants confiscated and the people fined sums ranging from 200 marks to 1,110 marks." ⇒1894年、クパンドゥに対する作戦行動が144人のメンバーに拡大され、そして「政府に抵抗していた中部トーゴの数か所の町が攻撃され、完全に破壊されました。住民の財産が没収され、人々は200マルクから1,110マルクまでの金額の罰金を科されました」。 >For the remainder of the decade, an additional 35 expeditions were authorised by the colonial government. In 1895 the capital Lomé had a population of 31 Germans and 2,084 natives. By 1913 the native population had swelled to 7,042 persons and 194 Germans, including 33 women, while the entire colony had a German population of 316, including 61 women and 14 children. ⇒さらに、10年単位の在住残留者のために35回の探検(開拓)が植民地政府によって認可された。1895年、首都ロメの人口は、ドイツ人31人と原住民2,084人であった。1913年までに原住民の人口は7,042人に、ドイツ人は33人の女性を含み、合計194人にふくらんだ。なお、全植民地のドイツ人の人口は、61人の女性と14人の子供たちを含み、合計316人となった。



