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Troops Withdraw Under Bombardment in No Man's Land

  • Troops pinned down in no man's land withdrew under cover of the bombardment and parties went out to rescue wounded.
  • The postponement failed to reach the Australian 58th Battalion, which attacked with some of the 59th Battalion and was stopped in no man's land with many casualties, survivors from three battalions finding their way back after dark.
  • Despite reinforcements, the situation of the 14th Brigade troops in the German lines became desperate, as artillery fire and German counter-attacks from the open right flank forced a slow withdrawal in the dark.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>Troops pinned down in no man's land withdrew under cover of the bombardment and parties went out to rescue wounded. More discussion between Mackenzie and Haking, led to a decision that the 184th Brigade would attack the Sugarloaf overnight, after a ten-minute hurricane bombardment but German shelling on the British front line then caused a postponement until the morning. ⇒中間地帯で立ち往生していた軍隊は爆撃の保護下で撤退し、部隊が負傷兵の救出に出かけた。マッケンジーとヘイキングがさらに話し合い、結論として、10分間の激しいハリケーン爆撃の後、第184旅団が一晩中シュガーロウフを攻撃するものとした。ところが、英国軍の最前線に対するドイツ軍の砲撃に起因して、それは朝まで延期することになった。 >The postponement failed to reach the Australian 58th Battalion, which attacked with some of the 59th Battalion and was stopped in no man's land with many casualties, survivors from three battalions finding their way back after dark. Despite reinforcements, the situation of the 14th Brigade troops in the German lines became desperate, as artillery fire and German counter-attacks from the open right flank forced a slow withdrawal in the dark. ⇒延期(の連絡)がオーストラリア第58大隊には届かなかったので、隊は第59大隊の一部兵とともに出撃して、多くの犠牲を受けて中間地帯で止められ、生き残り兵が日没後に帰還のための道を探した。増援があったにもかかわらず、第14旅団部隊の状況は絶望的になった。というのも、大砲砲火と、開けている右側面からのドイツ軍の反撃によって、暗がりの中でノロノロと退却せざるを得なくなったからである。



