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German Bombardments and British Counter-Attack: Summary of March 4-6 Operation

  • During the night of March 4-5, German bombardments persisted and the British right flank was attacked. The British managed to capture a trench block and a portion of Fritz Trench before a counter-attack by the Germans.
  • On March 5, German artillery-fire continued throughout the day. In the evening, German infantry was spotted massing on the right flank, but they were dispersed by artillery and machine-gun barrages.
  • German bombardments continued on March 6, but gradually decreased in intensity. The British suffered 1,137 casualties, captured 217 German prisoners and seven machine-guns. The Germans also incurred heavy casualties.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>German bombardments continued during the night of 4/5 March, before an attack on the British right flank, which captured a trench block and about 100 yards (91 m) of Fritz Trench to the north, before a local counter-attack recovered the recaptured ground. ⇒ドイツの爆撃は3月4/5日の夜間も続いたが、その前に英国軍の右側面への攻撃があって、フリッツ塹壕北の塹壕地区を約100ヤード(91m)分攻略し、地域的な反撃で、奪還された地面を回復していた。 >German artillery-fire continued all day and at 7:30 p.m., German infantry seen massing on the right flank, were dispersed by SOS artillery and machine-gun barrages before they could attack; German bombardments continued on 6 March, before slowly diminishing. ⇒ドイツ軍の大砲砲火は一日中続いたが、午後7時30分に右側面に結集しているのが見られたドイツ歩兵連隊は、SOS砲と機関銃集中砲火によって、攻撃体制をとることができないうちに霧散した。ドイツ軍の爆撃は3月6日に続いたあと、ゆっくり減少していった。 >The operation cost the British 1,137 casualties, 217 German prisoners and seven machine-guns were captured and "exceedingly heavy" German casualties inflicted, according to surveys of the vicinity, after the German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line (Siegfriedstellung). ⇒この作戦行動によって、英国軍は1,137人の犠牲者を被ったが、217人のドイツ軍囚人と7丁の機関銃を捕獲した。そして、ドイツ軍がヒンデンブルク戦線(ズィークフリード陣地)へ撤退した後に行われた周辺の調査によれば、ドイツ軍は「非常に重い」犠牲を負った、という。




