- ベストアンサー
- 彼女は一年以上にわたり心理療法を受けてきたが、絶望的な思いに苦しんでいる。彼女は自殺の意思を抱き、お金が尽きたら死ぬことを決意しているが、医師はそれでも彼女を支え続けたいと思っている。
- 彼女は医師の言葉に戸惑っている。医師は彼女の死への強さに圧倒されたが、それでも彼女の治療を続けたいという。しかし、彼女は彼が自殺を認めたという過去の言葉に引っかかっている。
- 彼女は医師への信頼が揺らいでいる。彼は彼女の自殺を止めようとはせず、彼女の国を出ることを受け入れてしまった。彼女はもう一度彼を信じることができるだろうか。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
Because of her suicide ideation, she has been receiving psychotherapy for nearly a year. One day she said, "I am going to leave my country to go to a country of my choosing. When my money runs out, I will commit suicide." Her doctor told her, "At least let me carry on with the therapy until you are leaving." The fact that her doctor did not try to talk her out of committing suicide, but rather just said he wanted to continue to help, weighed on her mind. During a therapy session that followed, the doctor told her, "To tell you the truth I was overpowered by your desire toward death. I felt powerless then." The doctor continued on to say, "But now I want to be given a second chance and continue with your therapy." She tried to understand him but she could not get it out of her head that for once, he gave up on her and accepted her will toward committing suicide. Even though he says he has changed his mind, how can she trust him again? He gave up on her once.
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