In the 1950s, she retired from movies, but become increasingly popular as a TV star. She remarried. She was still accused by many in China of having been a spy for the Japanese during World War2, so she did not visit China for more than two decades. She became host of her own show in 1969 and went on to report from Palestine and Vietnam, two very troubled areas of the world.
In 1974, she was elected to the Japanese Diet, where she served for 18 years as Outaka Yoshiko. Yet another life was added to the many she had already had. Upon retiring from government service, she became a leader of the Woman’s Asian Fund. She has written a book about her life under these many names.
At the age of 90, Outaka was still very active. Despite the many difficulties that she experienced in life and the many changes, she continued to re-work herself in each “new life.” In a world of growing uncertainty, she is a fine model for all of us of how to adapt to changing conditions. Growth and development are important, even as we get old.
10分くらいにらめっこをしてようやく頂いた回答の内容を理解することができました! ラテン語は、これまで英語を暗記するために原型を辞書でひくだけだったのですが、最近変化が気になるようになってしまって難儀しています。せめて簡単な語源辞典くらいはすらすら読めるようになりたいのですが、、、。 どうもありがとうございました!