• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語 和訳の添削)

The Amazing Journey and Cultural Experiences - Marco Polo

  • Although the Khan did not want his visitors to leave, the Polos finally received permission to return home in 1292. Marco continued his observations on the ocean voyage by way of Sumatra and India. Upon his return, he completed a book about his trip, full of details about his amazing cultural experiences. It was probably the greatest contribution of geographic information ever made to the West about the East.
  • In 1292, Marco Polo received permission to return home, despite the Khan's reluctance to let his visitors go. During his voyage, Marco continued to observe the vast ocean, passing through Sumatra and India. When he arrived back, he wrote a book that documented his incredible cultural experiences and provided valuable geographic information about the East to the West.
  • After much persuasion, the Polos were finally allowed to leave in 1292, even though the Khan wished for them to stay. Marco spent the remainder of the journey documenting his observations of the ocean, including his passages through Sumatra and India. Upon his homecoming, he completed a book detailing his extraordinary cultural experiences, making it a significant contribution of geographic knowledge from the East to the West.


  • ベストアンサー
  • taiakera
  • ベストアンサー率100% (1/1)

最初のセンテンスの訳はそれて良いと思います。 2番目は「マルコはスマトラとインドを経て海洋旅をしながら(彼の)観察を続けた」の方が良いかも。observationは観察と言うより「見聞」の方が良いような気もします。 3番目についてはUpon his returnは「復帰と同時に」というより「帰国して直ぐに」の方が適切です。()内の文章は「本」の前に移しては? 4番目については「それはおそらく東洋に関する地理情報の西洋文明に対するそれまでの最大の貢献であった。 で如何でしょうか?



