• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本文を英文に)


  • 日本人は原爆やフクシマの被災から立ち上がろうと努力しているが、その努力は人災であることを追求しない限り意味がない。
  • 日本人の努力は、蟻のように諦めずに何度も立ち上がる姿として見える。
  • 日本人の努力には独特な部分があり、その姿を描いた物語は人々に感銘を与える。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

This morning I heard of a drama titled "Ichiban-Ressha ga Hashitta (The First Train Ran)" on an NHK's program. It seems to be portraying people who were struggling to restore their city devastated by the atomic bomb. Japanese people like this type of story very much. Media repeatedly reported about people who were trying their best to come back from the calamity in Fukushima. However, I think Japanese people are a bit strange. Both the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and the nuclear accident in Fukushima are obviously man-made disasters. They were neither struck by lightning nor hit by typhoon. There are people who are responsible for those tragedies, but Japanese people are reluctant to pursue their responsibility. They often sidestep the issues and make a heartwarming story that describes people who do their best without giving up as if they were natural disasters. There are nests of ants around my house. Ants rebuild their nest no matter how repeatedly it is destroyed. I can't help feeling sorry for Japanese people who continue to do their best without giving up because I associate those people with ants.



回答ありがとうございます。 回答者様の作られた英文を読むと、「なるほど、なるほど、こういう風に表現するのか!」と納得するのですが、自分ではなかなかそこまでの力がありません。 有難うございました。
