Only, sometimes I can drive a car for a short time, enjoy shopping, dining out. And I love to listen to some genre of music, watch some genre of movies, t.v. shows, or a seven title matches of shogi on the Internet, and to play shogi on the App for iPad. I get tired easily, but am trying to make the most of my everyday life.
Even if it's like I'm a dream, I start hoping so badly that I will be by your side. To be blunt, I get you, and you're kinda freaking me out.
"I normally have someone check my English before I send my mail, but not this time."
あと、最後の、 "and you're kinda freaking me out.「私はあなたに熱狂的なのです」" のところだけは、"and I am so very enthused about you.「私はとにかくあたなに夢中なのです。」" に変えてみたらどうでしょう。