1.Both men and women know perfectly well what a bicycle looks
like and both sexes ride them in large nunmbers.But if men and
women are presented with a piece of paper on which two equal
circles are drawn side by side,representing he wheels of a
bicycle,and asked to complete the drawing,the men fare much
better than the women.
2.Every 14th-century farmer had to keep aside one quarter of
the grain he harvested to use as seed the following year,
and one thenth of the remainder had to be paid to the church
as a tax.
3.Friendship is vase,which,when it is cracked by
hear,violence,or accident,may as well be broken at once;
it can never be trusted after.The more graceful and ornamental
it was the more clearly do we discern the hopelessness of
restorig it to its former state.
4.One of the most important qualifications of a poet is
curiosity about matters that seem to have little practical
imprtance.His poem may well begin with a feeling on his part
that there is something significant in a familiar experience
that has been overlooked by common sense,and can express it
in a way that will enable the reader to grasp it as well.
5.Even those who do not believe in animal passion agree that
many creatures experience fear - which some scientists difine
as a primary emotion that contrasts with secondary emotions
such as love and grief.Unlike these more complexfeelings.
Fear is instinctive ,they say,and requires no conscious thought.
6.As the city has becoome increasingly congrested and polluted,
there has been a growing realization that action is needed.
However,precisely what should be done is hotly debated.
Some people have called for cleaner fuels and strict controls on
exhaust wmissions.Others say more effort must be put into
presuading people not to use their cars,perhaps by charging
people to drive into London.
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