- ベストアンサー
Chester's Influence: Connecting with the Youth
- Find out the response to Chester's influence on a younger crowd and the impact on our longtime fans.
- Patrick shares a memorable encounter with Linkin Park fans and the excitement it brings.
- Discover how a new single is bridging the generation gap and adding diversity to our audience.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
What has the response been like for you? Patrick: I was walking over from the bus and some kids freaked out and came over and they looked exactly like [Chester] -- with the ear thing and the flannel. I said, “You guys are Linkin Park fans, aren't you?” And they said, “Yeah! You're the Filter dude!” Then some 20 year-old is on their phone, looking me up. ... It's awesome because Chester is bringing a younger crowd and, at the same time, we have a single out now and it's doing it's job, bringing in younger people to mix with our longtime fans. For a while there, we'd do a show and go, “Gee, everybody's the same age.” [Laughs] So now we have this song that connects to the youth. 反応はどうだったの? パトリック:バスを降りて歩いてると、少年が何人か興奮しながらこっちへやって来た。見るとチェスターみたいな格好してるんだ。イヤリングしてフランネルのパンツはいてね。でこう言ったんだ。 『君たちリンキン・パークのファンじゃね?』 彼らは言ったよ。 『当たり~!あれっ、フィルターの人でしょ!』 すると二十歳ぐらいの連中が携帯耳に当てたまま、俺を見上げてね。驚きなのはチェスターには若いファンが大勢いることと、今や俺たちやるべき仕事を選べる段階に来たなってことなんだ。若い連中から往年のファンまで織り交ぜてね。しばらくはそこでショーをやる手筈だったんで、そこは客商売、 『わ~お、みんな同い年じゃね(笑)』 だもんで若い世代向けに、こんな曲も作ったんだ。