• 締切済み


To date, no published controlled clinical studies show efficacy in used of stem cell treatment for any of the conditions being treated. The reason that many soft-tissue injuries end a horse’s racing career, Gillis explains, is because most owners allow the animal to run free too soon, when the pain from the initial injury has faded but the tissue is still fragile. よろしくお願いします。


  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3506/7251)

> To date, no published controlled clinical studies show efficacy in use of stem cell treatment for any of the conditions being treated.  これまでのところ、いかなる疾病であれ、幹細胞治療による効果があったとする比較臨床研究が公にされたことはない。 > The reason that many soft-tissue injuries end a horse’s racing career, Gillis explains, is because most owners allow the animal to run free too soon, when the pain from the initial injury has faded but the tissue is still fragile.  多くの馬が競走馬としての寿命を終わらせた原因は、軟部組織の損傷だった、とジルはいう。初期的な負傷にともなう痛みが消えても、体組織はまだ脆いままであるのに、多くの馬主が早い時期から馬を自由に走らせるということをするからだ、と。
