Considering Chief is in several tons of metal armor, swimming may not be a viable option.
As a small business owner with 5 employees, skyrocketing health insurance premiums have made it impossible to provide health benefits. How can young families obtain health insurance? Have personal health insurance rates dropped? Is there a way to help employees fund their own policies? Compliance with subcontractor paperwork is crucial to avoid potential penalties.
Considering Chief is in several tons of metal armor, I don’t think the swimming option is really all that viable.
I am a small business owner that has 5 employees. I was on par to provide health insurance but the premiums have skyrocketed and now I have to tell my employees we cannot offer health benefits. How can these young families gain any health benefits? Have the rates for personal health insurance dropped? Is there a way to help employees fund their own personal policies? I have over a hundred subcontractors and have to be careful that they have supplied all their paperwork stating they are independent contractors, otherwise the gov has said they will be treated as employees. Who knows if they will try and charge owners $750 per subcontractor if the owner isn’t following every letter of the law?