Planet Earth is human beings' only home.
Thus, we need to share it, like a large family living in a small house without mich space to spare.
The family can only live happily together if they respect each other; if they do not - if any one member bullies another - happiness will never be theirs.
This simple illustration should serve as an excellent tip on hou we can live in harmony here on this Earth of ours.
Unfortunately, however , bullying still plagues human society in the form of conflicts and disputes among peoples of various nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, and religions.
Sinace prehistoric days, when human civilization first arose, people have been fighting against each other, mainly because civilization has made them greedy, demanding everything in more and more abundance.
The economic gap between the rich and poor in society has often been the cause of conflicts, and human history has seen wars too numerous to count up until the present day.
The Earth is subject to natural disasters of all kinds, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons , tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, and others.
So why do we continue to waste our time killing each other and damaging the Earth's environment to the breaking point?
The sooner we stop fighting each other in wars, the sooner the environment will regain its health.
If a country has enough wealth to spare to conduct a war , it should instead direct that wealth to saving “ Mother Earth”.
It has always been recent events have revealed that humans are the stupidest and most arrogant species of all becaus they are destroying their own irreplaceable home forever.