• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語質問です!)


  • 母が古い服を捨てさせようとします。
  • 何度かあなたの名前が呼ばれるのを聞きませんでしたか。
  • 少し髪を短く切ってもらったらどう?


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

【並び替え】 (1) He made the students solve the problem by themselves. (2) I got my coat caught in the door of the car. (3) She heard the baby crying loudly in the next room. (4) I felt my face turning red with anger. (5) He saw a police car coming down the street. 【適語補充】 (1) My mother is trying to make me throw away my old clothes. (2) Didn't you hear your name called several times? (3) Why don't you have your hair cut short? (4) Please let me have a new computer. 【和文英訳】 (1) I saw some children running around in the park. (2) We had our tent blown off by the wind in the forest. (3) When I got into the bathtub, I felt myself relax. (4) Let's go shopping. Let me finish my lunch. (5) I need to have this bicycle repaired by Friday.
