• 締切済み


ネットで自動翻訳で日本語から英訳しましたが、文がおかしいような気がするので訂正おねがいします。 私の彼は、これから2年近くアフリカに行きます。彼は青年海外協力隊として活動するので、彼が行くのはおそらくアフリカでも貧困地帯です。 今までは、毎日電話やメールで当たり前のように連絡していて、その電話やメールに何度も励まされ癒されてきたから、今までのように連絡出来なくなると思うと淋しいです。 彼には頑張って欲しいし、私は全力で応援してあげたいと思うけど、淋しいと思うのは私のワガママなのかな? My boyfriend, now nearly to go to Africa two years . Since he worked as a JOCV, he will go is probably a poor area in Africa. I'm lonely and I think if you have contact as a matter of course by phone or e-mail every day, because it has been healed encouraged many times to phone calls and emails that, until now, and will not be able to contact as ever. I think I want to do my best for him, and I want to cheer him up in full force, I think lonely wonder how selfish of me?


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

My boyfriend is going to Africa for two years. Since he worked as a JOCV, the place where he will be assigned to live is probably a poor area in Africa. Since I have taken it for granted that we could talk on the phone or exchange e-mail every day. Those phone calls and mails have been a lot of encouragements to me, but we will not be able to contact with each other as before, and I will feel lonely. will have less communication than before, and I will feel lonely. I think I want him to do his best, and I want to support him as much as I can. I wonder if it is out of my selfish desire if I feel lonely.

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1. 私の彼は、これから2年近くアフリカに行きます。 My boyfriend is going to Africa for close to two years. 2. 彼は青年海外協力隊として活動するので、彼が行くのはおそらくアフリカでも貧困地帯です。 Since he is going to work as a JOCV, he is likely to be working in a poor area of Africa. 3. 今までは、毎日電話やメールで当たり前のように連絡していて、その電話やメールに何度も励まされ癒されてきたから、今までのように連絡出来なくなると思うと淋しいです。 Up to now I was encouraged by his daily phonecalls and emails, which I took for granted, but without them I feel lonesome. 4. 彼には頑張って欲しいし、私は全力で応援してあげたいと思うけど、淋しいと思うのは私のワガママなのかな? I want him to do his best, and want to encourage him, but I wonder if it is my selfishness to miss him. とも。
