• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:大学入試レベルの問題です)


  • 昨日の夕方、通りで何が起こったのか?非常に大きな声が聞こえたため、いつも静かな私たちの近所に窓に行った。
  • あなたのことは良くわからない、どこですか?
  • ここはとても暑いので、毎日泳ぎに行っています。今晩はビーチパーティーを開催します。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

1.解答なし→選択肢が間違いと思います。 2.1 3.解答なし→何か全然違う選択肢のように思います。 4.4 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1 A.What happened in the street yesterday evening? B.I heard some terribly loud voices.It's usually so quiet in our neighborhood so I went to the window. A What did you see?が選択肢にあれば答えですが、以上では回答なしです。 B.Nothing at all. My old eyes don't work so well any more. 2 A. It's lovely to here from you, Julie.Like you,we start school here in August. here→hear B,Oh,I see. So, 1how are things over there? A,Quiet.We live in avery small village.It's not exciting,but I like it. 3 A,It's pretty hot here and we go swimming every day.We're having a beach party tonight. B.1Better luck next time. 2Luck is on my side. 3Luck you. 4Third time lucky. A.School is fine.But I miss my friends and London very much. 4 A.You're making us pay for the bag after we're done all our shopping here? B 4Sorry,it isn't free. A.O.K. We'll manage without it. The store in our neighborhood doesn't charge its customers for plastic bags. 以上、いかがでしょうか。



1 A.What happened in the street yesterday evening? B.I heard some terribly loud voices.It's usually so quiet in our neighborhood so I went to the window. A 1 How did you know? 2 When did it happen? 3 Where did you see? 4 What did you see? B.Nothing at all.My old eyes don't work so well any more. 3 A,It's pretty hot here and we go swimming every day.We're having a beach party tonight. B. 1Better luck next time. 2Luck is on my side. 3Lucky you. 4Third time lucky. A.School is fine.But I miss my friends and London very much. でした(>_<) ありがとうございました!!

