ebay取引で返品返金が認められたのですが、以下の英文が 初めてなので理解できません。
Hi Hiro I have received the camera part and have mark the dispute as “received”. I tried to refund £22 for return post but when I click on send I get the message “This recipient is currently unable to receive money.” Could you please advise? Regards, Cliff
cliffpr recently opened a cancel transaction case for an item you recently purchased: SINAR Norma 4x5 Rear Section.
Reason for cancel transaction request: The seller says that you have returned or will be returning the item for a refund.
Click the "Respond now" button to accept or decline this cancellation.
If you don't take action by Nov-15-2012, the seller will be able to cancel the purchase without your consent.
You can view the case anytime in the Resolution Center.
> Hi Hiro I have received the camera part and have mark the dispute as “received”. I tried to refund £22 for return post but when I click on send I get the message “This recipient is currently unable to receive money.” Could you please advise? Regards, Cliff
ヒロさん、こんにちは。カメラの部品を受け取ったのでディスピュートの 「受領」 のところに印をつけました。折り返し £22 を送金しようとしましたが、クリックすると 「受取人は現在現金を受け入れることができません」 という表示が出ます。どうすればいいでしょうか。クリフより
> cliffpr recently opened a cancel transaction case for an item you recently purchased: SINAR Norma 4x5 Rear Section.
クリフさんはあなたが最近購入された SINAR Norma 4x5 Rear Section についてキャンセル処理をされました。
> Reason for cancel transaction request: The seller says that you have returned or will be returning the item for a refund.
キャンセル処理を要求した理由 → 売り手の側が、あなたが返金を求めて商品を返送するか、返送する意思があるからであると述べている。
> Click the "Respond now" button to accept or decline this cancellation.
このキャンセルを受け入れるか、または断るかするには、Respond now ボタンをクリックして下さい。
> If you don't take action by Nov-15-2012, the seller will be able to cancel the purchase without your consent.
> You can view the case anytime in the Resolution Center.
あなたはこの件についていつでも Resolution Center で確認することができます。