If we were to make contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, what might we expect them to like, and be like? What could we learn about them from their aesthetics? Whereas most people foresee great scientific advances flowing from contacts with advanced extraterrestrials, we shall discover that the greatest gains might turn out to be quite different. It is also tempting to adopt a variety of cosmic ageism, which has great expectations about long-lived extraterrestrials. Given world enough and time, we confidently expect them to get closer and closer to uncovering all there is to know about what makes the Universe tick. This optimism may be displaced. If you want to understand the Universe, intelligence and longevity may not be enough. Our own scientific development will be seen to hinge upon a number of extraordinary coincidences about our environment and our view of the sky. (The artful universe by J.D.Barrow)
Given world enough and time, we confidently expect them to get closer and closer to uncovering all there is to know about what makes the Universe tick.
1) 出だしが過去分詞のGiven~で始まっているのですが、Given world enough and timeはどのように意味を取るのでしょうか?
2) enoughがworld and timeの間に入っているのですが、world and time enoughにはならないのでしょうか?
3)we confidently expect them to get closer and closer to uncovering allのto get closer and closer toは、~へますます近付く、の意味ですか?そうなると uncoveringの品詞は何になるのでしょうか?allを修飾しているのでしょうか?
4)all there is to know about what makes the Universe tick.がよくわかりません。
(there is~以下がallにかかるという構造ですか?)
there is to do~はbe動詞+to不定詞構文ですか? だとすると何用法になるのでしょうか?(予定、義務、可能、など)
・someがleavingにはかからないから同格とは読めない ・leavingは包括的、抽象的な表現を、同時に起こっている具体例で説明している 分詞構文と言う理解で良いでしょうか?