19 july 2012 Natureの記事です。
(1)Many attractive drug targets have therefore been dubbed 'undruggable'.For instance, there are roughly 1400 human transcription factors ― proteins that regulate messenger RNA synthesis from DNA, but which lack enzymatic activity.
(2)However, delivering siRNAs to their targets in vivo has been a difficult hurdle to overcome, and so small molecules that can affect the function of undruggable protein are needed.
(3)Efficient removal of unwanted protein is key to cell survival, as evidenced by the development of proteasome inhibitors as effective antitumour agents.
(4)Normally, the 'greasy' side chains of polypeptides are buried in the interior of a globular protein, with the hydrophilic amino-acid residues lying at the surface. Even a small increase in surface hydrophobicity can make a protein unstable.
(5)We have recently shown that the covalent attachment of a synthetic hydrophobic group to the surface of proteins attracts chaperon proteins whose job it is to help refold misfolded proteins, or , if they cannot be refolded, to target them for degradatin by the proteasome.
(6)Long etal. went on to make a fusion protein in which DHFR is attached to GST, and then treated cells producing the protein with either TMP-Boc_3Arg or EA-Boc_3Arg.
(7)The most potent form of this toxin, which causes muscle paralysis, has a half-life in the body of about 3months. Although an inhibitor of the toxin would be able to suppress toxicity in the short term, elimination of the toxin is obviously a preferable therapeutic approach.
(8)Meanwhile, it is intriguing to speculate about how the modularity of this protein-degradation strategy might be used for drug discovery. One could envisage a streamlined proces in which ligands for an undruggable protein are identified, appended with hydrophobic moieties and tested for their ability to degrade the target protein.
>(1)Many attractive drug targets have therefore been dubbed 'undruggable'.
>For instance, there are roughly 1400 human transcription factors ― proteins that regulate messenger RNA synthesis from DNA, but which lack enzymatic activity.
>(2)However, delivering siRNAs to their targets in vivo has been a difficult hurdle to overcome, and so small molecules that can affect the function of undruggable protein are needed.
OKだと思います。small moleculesは小分子(化合物)でしょうか。
>(3)Efficient removal of unwanted protein is key to cell survival, as evidenced by the development of proteasome inhibitors as effective antitumour agents.
>(4)Normally, the 'greasy' side chains of polypeptides are buried in the interior of a globular protein, with the hydrophilic amino-acid residues lying at the surface.
>Even a small increase in surface hydrophobicity can make a protein unstable.
>(5)We have recently shown that the covalent attachment of a synthetic hydrophobic group to the surface of proteins attracts chaperon proteins whose job it is to help refold misfolded proteins, or , if they cannot be refolded, to target them for degradatin by the proteasome.
>(6)Long etal. went on to make a fusion protein in which DHFR is attached to GST, and then treated cells producing the protein with either TMP-Boc_3Arg or EA-Boc_3Arg.
>(7)The most potent form of this toxin, which causes muscle paralysis, has a half-life in the body of about 3months.
>Although an inhibitor of the toxin would be able to suppress toxicity in the short term, elimination of the toxin is obviously a preferable therapeutic approach.
>(8)Meanwhile, it is intriguing to speculate about how the modularity of this protein-degradation strategy might be used for drug discovery.
>One could envisage a streamlined proces in which ligands for an undruggable protein are identified, appended with hydrophobic moieties and tested for their ability to degrade the target protein.
素人にはチンプンカンプンですが、(1) の後半の部分だけ考えてみました。
> For instance, there are roughly 1400 human transcription factors ― proteins that regulate messenger RNA synthesis from DNA, but which lack enzymatic activity.
> 実際に、おおよそ1400のヒト転写因子というDNAからmRNA合成を調整するたんぱく質が存在するがこれは酵素活性を失うものである。
「たとえば、ヒトの転写因子は約1,400種類が存在する -- すなわちDNAの遺伝情報をRNAに転写する過程を制御するものであるが、酵素活性を欠く」
ついでに (2) も見てみます。
> However, delivering siRNAs to their targets in vivo has been a difficult hurdle to overcome, and so small molecules that can affect the function of undruggable protein are needed.
> しかし、siRNAを生体内のこれらの標的へと送達することは達成するには難しいハードルが存在し、そしてそのために薬品開発価値のないたんぱく質の機能に影響することが出来る小さい分子が必要とされる。
「達成するには難しいハードルが存在し」 という部分は原文に引きずられている感じがします。読む者としては、文意が分かれば十分な部分のように思います。「・・・は容易ではない」 くらいで十分ではないでしょうか。
訳文の 「薬品開発価値のない」 という部分が、「たんぱく質」 にかかっているのか 「たんぱく質の機能」 にかかっているのか、それとも 「たんぱく質の機能に影響することが出来る小さい分子」 という部分にかかっているのかが、素人には分かりにくいです (専門知識のある人には分かるのだといわれればそれまでですが・・・)。
「そしてそのために」 と訳してあるのを見ると、... and so small molecules の so を接続詞ととらえておられる気がしますが、それなら and は不要なのでは? 私は so small molecules (非常に小さな分子) という意味で用いられているのではないかという気がしました。
undruggable という語を 「薬品開発価値のない」 と訳しておられるのは、なるほどとは思いますが、場合によって訳語を変えてもいいかと思います。
* この部分は下記の脚注の定義を借りました。
この毒素は筋麻痺を引き起こすのだが、最も強力な形態については、(生物学的)半減期は3か月である。それにもかかわらず薬品が効果的な予後を示すのは短期間の間であるがそれでも毒性除去に重きを置いて創薬を行うことが大事なのだということがお陰様で十二分に把握することが出来ました。 今後の展望を最後の文章は歌っているのが分かるのですがそういう意味でも人が想像して結果を示していけるという意味でoneは漠然と人を表す。そういう形にするとすんなりと文章が訳せるのですね。 合理的なプロセスはこの文章の全体にかかっており最後の手法までの流れまでを指し示すのですね。 本当にいつもありがとうございます。