• 締切済み


(1)You're sightseeing, aren't you? (2)He's as big as a horse, isn't he? (3)I bet he needs a lot of exercise,doesn't he? (4)I know them all, don't I? (5)I'm cabbie, aren't I? (6)He's very good, aren't you, boy? (7)Still, it keeps me busy all this rain, doesn't it? (8)This time last year we had sunshine every day, didn't we? (9)They're everywhere, aren't they? (10)These days I'm getting all sorts in my cab with the rain, you know. 以上です。


  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

1.観光でいらしたのね。 2.彼って馬並みでしょ。 3.彼には経験が要るようだね。 4.全員顔馴染みだと思うんだ。 5.俺蜘蛛助ってか。 6.彼は素晴らしい。きみもだろ。 7.未だに、この雨の中仕事片付かないんだわ。 8.去年のこの時期って晴れ続きじゃなかったっけ。 9.奴ら神出鬼没だね。 10.最近雨続きなんで蜘蛛助稼業大繁盛ってわけ。
