I have done so many things, but those things never made money at all.
People say"Time is money" Is it true?
2 時って単に自己の認識じゃないのか?
Isn't it just a self-awareness?
3 オレも金にならないことばっかやってきたなぁ。
I have done so many things, but those things never made money at all.
4 アホか?
Am I stuipid?
5 ま、日本経済活性化に人生をかけたと言えばいいかな。
Well, I have spent all my money as though my life depend on Japanese economic growth.
(おまけ) それにつけても、金が欲しいな。
I want much money,anyway!!!
1. Is it true that time is money?
2. What this proverb means is just how you look at things, isn't it?
3. All I have done has nothing to do with making money.
4. Am I a fool?
5. It can safely be said that I seem to have spent all my life to activate Japanese economy.
* Be that as it may (BTAIM), I want money.
☆おはようございます。Be that as it may (BTAIM) は勉強になりました。
saysheさん、おはようございます。 いつも回答ありがとうございます。 私はASAPぐらいなら、わかるのですが、それ以外だと 完全に「なんですかぁ~~?」状態ですよ。 かっこつけたい時はyouをuにするアホですよ。 いつも感謝しています。 ありがとうございました。 これからも宜しくお願い致します。