Thank you so much for telling me about not only about abbreviations but also English history. I couldn't understand all of you told me, but thanks. I can read English with dictionaries, but not enough about understanding it. But what you told me made me realize that you like the history. I'd like to study English hard, in order to listen to you about the history and other things.
I haven't been to ○○ not because my ex-boy friend lives in ○○. Just because direct frights to ○○ are not available from Japan and it cost too much compared to Los Angels or New York. That's why, probably, my friends won't go there withe me. Anyway, you know lots of good restaurant in ○○, don't you? I'll ask you lots of things about ○○(前述の地名) before I go there. It seems exciting, isn't it!?
「 I'll try not to abbreviate for you, so you can understand me easier. I can teach some of the abbreviations that you might be having trouble with if you'd like. You might also be wondering what sayings like "quid pro quo" means. That derives from latin which means something for something. The abreviation "etc." is latin for et cetera which means "and so on." The abbreviation "i.e." is Latin for id est which means "it/that is." Finally, the abbreviation "e.g." is Latin for exempli gratis which means "for example." The English language is derived from German from the time that the Germanic tribes of the Angles and the Saxons moved to the British Isles. If you ever seen Old English (Not Elizabethian English) it actually looks a lot like German. Then Latin came into the English language from the Romans when they took over the British Isles. After the Roman Empire fell the British were constantly attacked by the Norse (Vikings). We got a lot of their language mixed into the English language. After that the French invaded Britain, so we got some French mixed in too. After that it turned into modern English which has evolved to what we have now. Anyways, I really like history as you can see. If there's anything you don't understand I can definitely help. Please don't hesitate to ask me. 」という文章です。
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