この "the" lion は "a" lion の間違いではないでしょうか?
I’m going to tell you a lion story.
In northern Kenya, the lion is a symbol of bravery and pride. If you kill a lion, you are respected by everyone. It is every warrior’s dream to kill a lion. But at the time of this story, when I was about 14, I’d never come face to face with a lion.
I was at a cattle camp. That evening, after the cows got back from grazing, we sat together around the fire, sang songs, and told stories.
In the middle of the night, I woke to this very big sound-like rain, but the sound was not rain but all of the cows starting to pee. All of them, in every direction. And that is the sign of a lion. They don’t act that way around any other animal. Only the lion. Right then, a cow made a terrible sound, and we knew that the lion had it by the throat.
最終文の後半(we knew that the lion had it by the throat.)にあるthe lionはこのままで理解可能なのでしょうか? a lionではなく、the lionとするのはなぜなのでしょうか?私はもしかするとthe lionではなく、a lionとすべきだったのではないかとも思うんですがいかがでしょうか。
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