- 締切済み
(1)それは、机の引出しの奥に忘れていたものだった。 (2)私は、引き出しの奥に突っ込んだ指先が触れた瞬間に、それが何であるかを理解した。 (3)凶器。それは私たちの間でそう呼ばれていた。 (4)いやむしろ、狂気、と呼ぶべきだったかもしれない。 (5)それは、手にする者すべての理性を失わせ、他者への暴力へと駆り立てるものであったからである。(6)まるで、Dr.ジキルを残忍なMr.ハイドへと変貌させたあの薬のように。 (1)It is the thing I had left in the heart of the drawer. (2)As soon as my finger stuck there touched it , I understood what it was. (3)It had been called a weapon among us. (4)We should probably have called it insanity rather than a weapon. (5)That's because it had made the owners lose reason and driven them violent against others. (6)It had acted like that medicine that made Dr.Jekyll into Mr.Hyde, who was brutal. 時制はどうでしょうか。 (2)の、・・・を理解した を過去の基準として、以下をそれ以前の過去と考え、完了形にしました。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
- sayshe
- ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)
<訳例> (1) It was what had been forgotten at the back of a drawer of the desk. (2) The moment the tip of my finger which I put in the back of the drawer touched it, I understood what it was. (3) A weapon. It was called so among us. (4) No, rather I should have called it insanity. (5) It was because it deprived whoever obtained it of all his reason, and drove him to the violence to others. (6) It seemed to be that medicine which changed Dr.Jekyll into brutal Mr.Hyde. *** 添削をするほど、私と質問者さんの英語力に差があるとは思えませんので、取り合えずまずい訳を書きこみました。