In all Raman maps BCC was clearly separated from its surrounding nontumorous tissue by the KCA. This was not the only distinction noticed. In a number of cases KCA resulted in several clusters of Raman spectra, within the tissue surrounding the tumor, reflecting regional variance in biochemical composition. In four Raman maps of nodular BCC, KCA formed separate clusters for dermis in the vicinity of the tumor (=50-150 mm) and dermis further away from the tumor (Fig 3a). The microscopic image shows a collagen-poor dermis immediately adjacent to the tumor (Fig 3b). The remaining Raman maps (11) did not show a similar distinction. In three of the 15 frozen sections a dense inflammatory infiltrate was present in the area of interest, resulting in a separate cluster of Raman spectra (Figs 3c,d). As Raman spectra are a direct reflection of the molecular composition of the tissue, a comparison (Fig 4).
いくつかのケースにおいて,KCAは 生化学的構成物ラマンスペクトルのそれぞれのクラスター(腫瘍周辺の組織を含め)に起因し,生化学的局部の変化を反映している.
In all Raman maps BCC was clearly separated from its surrounding non-tumorous tissue by the KCA.
This was not the only distinction noticed. In a number of cases KCA resulted in several clusters of Raman spectra, within the tissue surrounding the tumor, reflecting regional variance in biochemical composition.
In four Raman maps of nodular BCC, KCA formed separate clusters for dermis in the vicinity of the tumor (=50-150 mm) and dermis further away from the tumor (Fig 3a).
The microscopic image shows a collagen-poor dermis immediately adjacent to the tumor (Fig 3b). The remaining Raman maps (11) did not show a similar distinction.
In three of the 15 frozen sections a dense inflammatory infiltrate was present in the area of interest, resulting in a separate cluster of Raman spectra (Figs 3c,d).
As Raman spectra are a direct reflection of the molecular composition of the tissue, a comparison (Fig 4).
drmuraberg さん いつもありがとうございます. …英語ってなかなかうまくならないものですね.
As Raman spectra are a direct reflection of the molecular composition of the tissue, a comparison of the spectral cluster means provides information about the differences in molecular composition in the tissue.
drmuraberg さん いつもありがとうございます. …英語ってなかなかうまくならないものですね. このサイトで応援して頂ける方がいる限り頑張ります! 最後の文は,お恥ずかしい話ですが,チェックミスでした.正しくは As Raman spectra are a direct reflection of the molecular composition of the tissue, a comparison of the spectral cluster means provides information about the differences in molecular composition in the tissue. で,以下のように訳してみました. ラマンスペクトルは組織の分子の構造を直接的に反映するので,スペクトルのクラスター平均は組織の分子構造(組み立て)の差異についての情報を提供する.←急いで訳したので自信はありませんが…