A shocking story has emerged about a man who deceived and married women only to sell them to brothels. 60 women were victims of this scam.
Biswakarma, the mastermind behind this operation, would trick his new wives into boarding a train, claiming they were going to meet a relative. However, a brothel owner would be waiting at the destination.
The police have managed to locate nine of the women and Biswakarma has been arrested. They are now on the hunt for his accomplices.
Biswakarma was particularly cold-hearted. He would transport his new wife via train, telling her wanted her to meet a relative. A brothel owner would then arrive on the scene and coax her to go with him. Our hero would then leave his new, naïve bride to her undeserved fate.
最後の行のHeroというのがピンとこないのですが、hero=主人公=この60人もだました男ということですか? それと、この文章はどういう意味ですか?直訳すると、「それから彼は、花嫁を不当な運命へと残す」
Police have located nine of the women so far and he has been charged with several serious offenses, including human trafficking. It is hoped that the other brides will be found soon especially since Biswakarma has been arrested. Police are also looking for several accomplices whose days are hopefully numbered.
2行目のIt is hoped that~は「他の花嫁も、彼が捕まったので、すぐに発見されることが望まれています。」という訳であってますか?especially はどう処理すればよいでしょうか?
3行目のpolice~ですが、Whose days are hopefuly numberedがわかりません。
その前に、Bikky Biswarkarma pretended to be a well paid army officer 裕福な軍将校を装った、とありますから
>especially はどう処理すればよいでしょうか?
( )内は文章の中には明示されてませんが読み手にはそういう印象が残るでしょう。
>Whose days are hopefuly numbered
somebody's/something's days are numbered
someone or something will not exist for much longer (ある人、事柄が長く続かないであろう)
My days are numbered, but I hope I can live long enough to see my grandchild.
Police are also looking for several accomplices whose days are hopefully numbered.
>Whose days are hopefuly numbered
I stand corrected on this. No.1 has a point. This is the phrase used to describe the situation that there are not much room to hide for the criminals/suspects on the run.
> Our hero would then leave his new, naïve bride to her undeserved fate.
The author intentionally uses the word "hero" to describe this man’s character in a cynical manner. Beware of the phrases “….. pretended to be a well paid army officer.”
>It is hoped that the other brides will be found soon especially since Biswakarma has been arrested
“Especially’ is an adverb indicating an emphasis on a situational context. As long as you know the context, you can use any phrase to describe that situation (or you don’t even have to make a literal translation).
>Police are also looking for several accomplices whose days are hopefully numbered.
I think it refers to the length of their illicit conduct—human trafficking, similarly to the guy mentioned in the article.
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