QNo.6303478 の続きです.しっくりしません.宜しくお願いします.
To collect Raman spectra, near infrared laser light (850 nm) from an argon-ion pumped titanium-sapphire laser system was coupled with a microscope via a single mode optical fiber and a high pass filter as described and illustrated earlier. A near infrared optimized objective with a working distance of approximately 1.6 mm was used to focus the laser light on to the tissue sample, and to collect light scattered by the sample. A chevron-type dielectric filter set (high pass filter) was used for optical coupling of the laser, the microscope and the spectrometer, and for suppression of the laser light that was scattered back by the tissue sample. The inelastically scattered Raman light was focused on to the 100 mm diameter core of an optical fiber, which guided the light into a spectrometer, equipped with a thermoelectrically cooled deep-depletion charge coupled device camera. The charge coupled device camera was connected to a personal computer where data were stored and analyzed. The microscope was equipped with a motorized, computer-controlled sample stage, which enabled automatic scanning of the sample. The area to be scanned and the scanning step size were programmable. Acquisition of Raman spectra and microscopic stage movement were controlled by Grams/32 Spectral Notebase Software.
初期の記述あるいは描画としてラマンスペクトルを収集するために,アルゴン-イオン排気式チタン-サファイアレーザシステム由来の近赤外レーザ光(800nm)は、シングルモード光ファイバーおよび高域フィルターを経由して、顕微鏡と結合された.近赤外の最適化された、約16mmの作動距離の対物レンズは、レーザ光線の焦点を組織試料に合わせるために使用された.また、試料による散乱光を収集するために使用された.山形誘電体フィルター(高域フィルター)セットはレーザの光学的結合,顕微鏡および分光計のため,さらに組織試料により後方散乱されたレーザ光の制御のために使われた.非弾性散乱ラマン光は,光ファイバー100μmの直径の中心に集められた.そしてそれは,光を電荷結合素子(CCD)カメラを搭載した分光器中に導いた.電荷結合素子はデータが保存され,解析されるパーソナルコンピュータに接続された.顕微鏡は電動化されコンピュータ制御された試料ステージが搭載された.そしてそれは試料の自動走査を可能にする.走査する領域および走査ステップサイズ(≒試料送り距離)はプログラムで制御できるラマンスペクトルの獲得および顕微鏡ステージの移動は“Grams/32 spectra Notebase Software ”で制御された.
To collect Raman spectra, near infrared laser light (850 nm) from an argon-ion pumped titanium-sapphire laser system was coupled with a microscope via a single mode optical fiber and a high pass filter as described and illustrated earlier.
A near infrared optimized objective with a working distance of approximately 1.6 mm was used to focus the laser light on to the tissue sample, and to collect light scattered by the sample.
A chevron-type dielectric filter set (high pass filter) was used for optical coupling of the laser, the microscope and the spectrometer, and for suppression of the laser light that was scattered back by the tissue sample.
The inelastically scattered Raman light was focused on to the 100 mm diameter core of an optical fiber, which guided the light into a spectrometer, equipped with a thermoelectrically cooled deep-depletion charge coupled device camera.
非弾性的に散乱したラマン光は、分光計に光を導き、熱電気的に冷やされたDD CCDカメラが装備された直径100mmのコアの光学ファイバーに集光された。 [ deep-depletion 決まった日本語が無いようです]
The charge coupled device camera was connected to a personal computer where data were stored and analyzed.
The microscope was equipped with a motorized, computer-controlled sample stage, which enabled automatic scanning of the sample.
The area to be scanned and the scanning step size were programmable.
Acquisition of Raman spectra and microscopic stage movement were controlled by Grams/32 Spectral Notebase Software.
ラマン光の収集と顕微鏡ステージの動きはGrams/32 Spectral Notebase Softwaで制御された