The residents of a small town used to leave their garbage bags in an open collection area. However, some crows came to peck their garbage bags and scattered the garbages. The residents were afraid of the crows. And besides, they had a difficulty cleaning the scattered garbages. Therefore they had a meeting to talk about the way to keep the crows off. Someone said it would be good to cover the garbage bags with a net. Other one said it would be better to put them in a cage. Two weeks later, the cage ended up put in. The crows at last never came thanks to it.
and besidesは同義語反復かも知れません
had a difficulty in cleaningでしょうか
had a meetingで継続的会合のニュアンスが出るかどうか・・・
it would be a good idea to cover~とも言えるでしょうか
other one はothersかも
thanks for itでしょうか・・・
put inはto put inでしょうか
Since residents from this small town used to leave their garbage bags in an open collection area, crows used to come and tear open these bags to scavenge some food. Because the residents didn't want to interact with these birds, it was their routine to clean up their mess instead of scaring them away. One day, the residents held a talk about the issue, and two ideas have been put forward, either to cover the bags with a net, or to place the bags in a large container. After two weeks, they have decided to use the container, and since then, crows have disappeared.