Learn the meaning of the phrase 'I can relate' in the context of a conversation about boats and flying.
Discover the story of Gabriel's first flight to Japan at the age of fifteen.
Understand why Gabriel says 'I can relate' in response to Ryan's statement about never being on a plane.
I can relate?
ここの会話の中にある、"...more excited about boats." "From the flight, I hate flying." "I can relate"の意味を教えてください。
Gabriel: Seth and Caleb are sailing...I've never seen two people more excited about boats. Seth said you work here and I could use a cocktail
Ryan: Uh...I can't serve you
Gabriel: Right, your not legal. Ah, how bout a cranberry juice
Ryan: That I can do.
Gabriel: Alright. From the flight, I hate flying, you?
Ryan: I've... never ben on a plane
Gabriel: My first time I was fifteen, my mother sent me to Japan all by myself to do some modelling. Guess she figured it was easier then her having to get a job
Ryan: I can relate
Gabriel: I've heard
1。"...more excited about boats."
(私は)ボートについて(セスとケイレブ)以上に興奮している(二人を見た事無い)> あの二人物凄く興奮していた(たかがボートぐらいのものに)
2。 "From the flight, I hate flying."「飛行(機)から、飛ぶのは大嫌い」> (このアルコールの小瓶は)飛行機から持って来たもの、飛行機は大嫌い(と言って自家用機が自慢の彼との隔たりを仄めかしています)
3。 "I can relate" 僕は理解できる > (前の文の仕事を探していると言う言葉を指す)「(僕も仕事を探しているから)その話なら理解できる」下記の他動詞の1の意味です。