• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳お願いいたします。)


  • 迎えに来てくれてありがと~!遅くなっちゃったけど‥誕生日おめでとう!誕生日の日に渡したかったけど、こうやってまた会えて渡せて嬉しいよ。
  • プレゼント、よかったら使ってね。私が働いている●●で買ったものだよ。またあなたにとって素敵な一年になりますように!あなたの誕生日をお祝いできて幸せ。
  • 〇〇へ旅行に行った時、▲▲人にホテルまで着いてこられたり、▲▲人にロビーで待ち伏せされたりして怖かった~。でも、それ以外は本当に本当に楽しかったよ!お店の人とか警察の人達と話して写真を撮ったり… 本当に▲▲人の心の暖かさに触れることができて良かった。逆に日本の良い所も分かって良かった。でもね、こうやって私の世界が広がったのはあなたのおかげなんだよ。あなたと出会えたおかげで、もっともっと世界を見たいと思うし、もっともっと英語が分かりたい!と強く思えたの。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

* Thank you for coming to pick me up. * Though it's late, I want to say,"Happy Birthday" to you. * Though I wanted to hand this to you on your birthday, I am glad to see you again in this way and to be able to hand it directly to you. * Please use the present if you like. * I bought it in ●● which is my workplace. / I bought it at ●● which I work for. * I wish you another wonderful year! * I am happy that I can celebrate your birthday. / I am happy to be able to celebrate your birthday. * When I traveled to ○○, I was tailed by a ▲▲ man even to my hotel or was ambushed by him (by a ▲▲ man) in my hotel lobby. I was so scared! * But other than that, I really really enjoyed my trip! I talked with police officers and shop clerks and I had my pictures taken and so on... * It was really good that I was able to feel the warmth of the heart of the ▲▲ people. Besides I found it wonderful to rediscover the good aspects of Japan. * But thanks to you, I was able to have a wider view of the world. * I have wanted to see more of the world since I met you. I also strongly felt like having a good command of English. * You told me before that my English improved gradually, didn't you? * I found a helpful Q$A website, where anonymous people help me translate my emails into English or into Japanese. In this way I have been sending my emails to you. * When I talk with you face to face, I feel relaxed even if I cannot speak English very well. But I find it difficult to send emails in English all by myself. * But I will do my best for you! I am thinking of studying abroad.




