(1)What do you words,little ones, urchins, or brats tell us?
Language often allows us several ways of saying the same thing.but there are very slight differences between them.Here are Mary.Susan, and Joan talking about some children playing in the next room.
Mary: Listen to those little ones!
Susan: Listen to those urchins!
Joan: Listen to those brats!
The words tell us something about the feelings of the speakers.We can guess that Mary thinks the children are really cute and sweet.Susan thinks they're a bit mischievous, and maybe they're a little dirty and not so neat.Joan thinks they're bad and they're misbehaving.If they don't want to show their feelings.of course, t can just say: Listen to those children because children is a neutral word.
When words cause us to have different feelings, then we can say those words have different connotations. Little ones, urchins, and brats have different connotations. Some connotations are positive-they give us pleasant or comfortable feelings. Some connotations are negative
- they give us unpleasant or uncomfortable feelings. Every language has hundreds of words which make usort think of things in an emotional way. Here are some more word-pairs which mean almost the same thing. In each case, the 'good' meaning is first and the bad' meaning is second.
Tom is thrifty.
Tom is stingy.
Our house is cozy.
Our house is cramped.
He was behaving in a childlike way.
He was behaving in a childish way.