- ベストアンサー
Discover the Beauty of Kanazawa, Ishikawa
- Experience the enchanting beauty of Kanazawa, Ishikawa in this presentation
- Learn about the famous sites and attractions, such as Kenrokuen Garden and Kanazawa Station
- Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this unique destination
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
- ベストアンサー
>留学先の先生に聞いてみよう 文法的なあやまりがないかと,画像と説明文でじゅうぶんに日本の事物が理解できるかについて尋ねてみたほうがいいでしょう。 口頭の場合は関係ないですが,字を訂正しておきます。 by an American journal of Japanese garden planning American を先に出すために,雑誌名(固有名詞)ではなく一般的な表現に変更しましたので,語頭は小文字です。 >万が一言う内容を忘れた時の場合に ときどきメモを見ながら発表してもいいと思います。プロジェクタを使う場合は部屋を暗くしますので,大きな字で書き,かつペンライトもあったほうがいいかもしれません。
その他の回答 (2)
あなたの英文の意図がわからないところは勝手に解釈して,かつ自己流にアレンジして書いてみました。ご参考に。 兼六園 Kenrokuen garden is one of the three famous gardens in Japan. Among the three, I think Kenrokuen is most beautiful. We enjoy beautiful scenery throughout the year. From season to season, different beauties can be found. At the center of the garden is Kasumigaike fountain. It is the oldest one in Japan. The entrance fee is 3 dollars for an adult, and 1 dollar for a child. 雪吊り Yukizuri is the way to protect trees from Kanazawa's heavy snow in winter. About 590 workers led by five gardeners of Kenrokuen hang each branch with a rope from the top of the tree. They carry out this task from November to the middle of December. The ropes are removed in the middle of March. The ropes, excluding worn ones, will be used again next year. 武家屋敷 Old samurai residences remain in the town of Kanazawa. The left photograph shows Nomura family's. It was ranked as the 5th must-see place by an American Journal of Japanese Garden Planning. Kanazawa has few old samurai residences except it. 金箔の鏡 Kanazawa is also famous for traditional handicrafts using gold foil. Tourists can experience their work for 10 dollars. In about 30 minutes a mirror stand is completed for the souvenir. At restaurants gold foil is cooked as a food additive, but you can hardly feel it in your mouth because it is very thin.
素早い回答ありがとうございます。自分の文と照らし合わせ留学先の先生に聞いてみようと思います。 あと、万が一言う内容を忘れた時の場合にパワーポイントに簡単な説明文を加えるなど、解決策がありましたら教えて下さい。
- Chicago243
- ベストアンサー率38% (401/1043)
時間もあまりないので最初のだけ、、、 後で余裕があれば戻ってきます。 Did you understand it a little about Kanazawa? ->Do you know anything about Kanazawa? シンプルにこれくらいでいいのかなって気がします。 Kanazawa Station is the start of the tour ちょっと唐突かなという気もしますね。 ->We are going to introduce Kanazawa station first. As you know, you are going to start the tour from the station. There was built in 1898. It is the most famous station in Ishikawa. ->The station was built in 1898 and is the most famous station in Ishikawa prefecture. About 20,000 people use it in a day. ->At present, about 20,000 people use the station in a day. The Hokuriku Shinkansen is going to be built in 2014. And it is going to link Kanazawa from Tokyo in 2 hours 20 minutes ->Additionally, a new sinkansen line is going to built and go into operation in 2014. It will travel between Kanazawa and Tokyo in only 2 hours 20 minutes. It is the Shinkansen which links Osaka to Tokyo. ->As you know, a sinkansen is one of the fastest and safest trains all over the world.
お忙しい中、質問と捕捉に答えてくださりありがとうございました。 passersbyさんのアドバイスを参考にプレゼン頑張ります!!