• 締切済み


海外から届いた請求書に、間違いがあるため、問い合わせをしたいのですが、効果的に伝えるにはどうしたら良いか考えています。 言いたいことは下記です。 (1)Grand Totalが合ってない(表示されていないが、エクセル上に小数点以下の数字があり、その分も計算されているためと思われる) (2)各商品の50%を当社が負担することとなっているが、正しく計算されていない。(例)$130,085の半額で、負担額は$65,043となっている。正しくは、$65,042.50。これは、四捨五入されているためと思われる。 (3)当社負担額の合計が合っていない。((2)の結果により) 英文にすると。。。。 Thank you for sending us the invoice.However, we found some variance on the invoice as mentioned below. We would appreciate it if you could check the following three points and revise the invoice with correct number. 1)Grand Total Grand Total is shown as $100,001,but it becomes $100,000 by calculating the total for all columns. We assume that this variance occured as aresult of each rounding off numbers. 2)A Company Sharing The number of each column is rounded off,but two decimals are to be kept.For example, Item#1 becomes $65,042.50, which is currently shown as $65,043 on the invoice. 3)Grand Total for A Company Sharing Grand Total for A company Sharing becomes $50,000 by keeping two decimals in rounding off numbers. We understand these are very tiny thing, but our financial people won't accept the variances. We have attached the PDF file for your sample. It will be highly appreciated if you could revise the invoice as soon as possible. We would appreciate your continued support in advance. アドバイスお願いします。


  • KappNets
  • ベストアンサー率27% (1557/5688)

若干長いと感じる部分を重点に添削してみました。ご参考までに。 Thank you for sending us the invoice. We find some problems as mentioned below, and appreciate if you could check the following three points and re-send an invoice as soon as possible. 1) Grand total Grand Total should be $100,000 instead of $100,001. The error could be related to rounding off of numbers. 2) Company sharing We need a number with two decimals for each item. For example, Item #1 should be $65,042.50 instead of $65,043 appearing on the invoice. 3) Grand total for company sharing Grand total for company sharing should become $50,000 by keeping the two decimals as above. The matter may appear trivial, but our financial people do not agree. We have attached the PDF file for your convenience. We would appreciate your continued support in advance.

